May 3, 2010

WWGS?: Dudette to your boot screen

It's dudette to my boot screen... sooooo, is that a good thing?
Hi, this is john Calling from the Apple store for Todd about your computer in the computer testing fine right now. It's a it's not exiting any of the symptoms you described so and it path. All of our testing, so I'm gonna get this to be set up to. Ready for Pickup, I rebooted it multiple times and it's dudette to your your boot screen every single time. So all you need to do is come in with your photo I. D to come and get it and if you have any questions number is [number withheld] extension 5. If you have any specific concerns about the computer itself. Please do make another appointment Apple, dot, com slash like side shopping center, okay. Have a great day. Bye bye.

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